COVID-19 – Guidelines for Parents Sharing Child Custody

COVID-19 Guidelines for Parents Sharing Child Custody

COVID-19 – Guidelines for Parents Sharing Child Custody Sharing your children during even normal times is often stressful for divorced and separated parents. Under the current conditions created by the COVID-19 pandemic, child sharing is bound to create even more stress and concern. The key to weathering this storm, I believe, calls for three behaviors: […]

Separating? How should you file taxes with your ex-spouse?

Separating? How Should You File Taxes with Your Ex-Spouse? | CA La

Separating? How should you file taxes with your ex-spouse? If you are separating from your spouse and not yet divorced, how you file your Federal and State of California income taxes is an important financial decision to make. It can also be confusing and complicated by the stress of your separation. As long as you […]

What Can You Do If Your Ex-Spouse Delays the Sale of Your House?

Ex-Spouse Delays the Sale of Your House?

What Can You Do if Your Ex-Spouse Delays the Sale of Your House? | CA Law Often a house is the largest asset any couple will ever own together. Whenever a couple decides to split up, the value that each individual holds in the house can be instrumental to making a fresh start. If you […]

What Is the Child Support Exception for High-Income Earners?

Child Support may be adjusted for high earners | Sam Rafael Attorney

What Is the Child Support Exception for High-Income Earners? California’s statewide uniform guideline stipulates the amount of child support to be paid. This is based on each parent’s net disposable monthly income and the amount of time the child will be cared for by each parent. There are some exceptions to the statewide uniform guideline, […]

We Are Not Married – What Are My Parental Rights If We Split Up?


I Am Not Married – What Are My Parental Rights If We Split Up? As attorneys, we are seeing this situation more and more often, especially among younger parents. They fall in love, decide to have a baby together and then somewhere along the way, they become disenchanted with their lives. One or both of […]

Child Support – What Happens When Your Oldest Child Is No Longer Eligible?

Child Support CA Oldest Child

Child Support – What Happens When Your Oldest Child Is No Longer Eligible? When getting a divorce and discussing how much child support will be paid, the supporting parent may assume that when the first child is no longer eligible, their child support payment can be cut in half. That is not how the court […]

Can Adult Children Sue for Unpaid Child Support?

Can Adult Children Sue for Unpaid Child Support in California

Can Adult Children Sue for Unpaid Child Support? If you are an adult child, can you successfully sue your parent for unpaid child support? The answer is, “It depends.” Technically, child support is owed from one of your parents to the other parent, to help raise the child. Child Support is not a debt owed […]

Vocational Examination when Ex Spouse is Minimizing Income

ocational Examination | Reduce child support payments

Here’s How a Vocational Examination for Your Ex-Spouse Can Help With Your Child Support Payments What should you do if your child’s other parent refuses to maximize their income by declining appropriate work, so that they can receive more child support from you? Ask the court to order that they take a vocational examination. A […]