What does a Legal Separation Include?

Many married couples choose legal separation over divorce for personal reasons, such as holding onto religious beliefs. For the past decade, our divorce lawyers have been helping families with whatever they need to get through the complex family court system. If you’re struggling and unsure where to turn, our Marin County legal separation lawyers offer […]
A Full Guide to California Separation Agreements

What is a separation agreement in California? In California, a separation agreement is a written contract specifying the rights and obligations belonging to you and your spouse as you embark on living separate lives. As a legally binding document, one spouse may sue the other for violating the separation agreement, so you must understand its long-lasting implications […]
Watts Charges & Epstein Credits: Who Pays What?

Watts Charges and Epstein Credits Who Pays What Between Separation and Divorce? When a couple is in the process of getting divorced but hasn’t yet decided how to divide up their assets, the financial aspects of day-to-day living can get complicated. As an example, one member of the couple may continue to live in their […]
Separating? How should you file taxes with your ex-spouse?

Separating? How should you file taxes with your ex-spouse? If you are separating from your spouse and not yet divorced, how you file your Federal and State of California income taxes is an important financial decision to make. It can also be confusing and complicated by the stress of your separation. As long as you […]
What Is the Difference Between Divorce and Legal Separation?

What Is the Difference Between Divorce and Legal Separation? When you are dissolving your marriage in California, you may want to consider legal separation rather than divorce. Here’s why. What is legal separation? Legal separation is a court-approved separation, but the couple has not ended their marriage. Like divorce, it involves a legal process, which […]