Separating? How should you file taxes with your ex-spouse?

Separating? How should you file taxes with your ex-spouse? If you are separating from your spouse and not yet divorced, how you file your Federal and State of California income taxes is an important financial decision to make. It can also be confusing and complicated by the stress of your separation. As long as you […]
What Can You Do If Your Ex-Spouse Delays the Sale of Your House?

What Can You Do if Your Ex-Spouse Delays the Sale of Your House? | CA Law Often a house is the largest asset any couple will ever own together. Whenever a couple decides to split up, the value that each individual holds in the house can be instrumental to making a fresh start. If you […]
Refinancing Your Separate Property Home – Avoid These Pitfalls

Refinancing Your Separate Property Home – Avoid These Pitfalls If you are married and own a separate property home in California, maintaining your sole right to your house can get complicated. This is especially true if you decide to refinance it. That’s because the lender, before approving your mortgage, may consider both yours and your […]
What is the effect of adding your spouse to your home’s title?

What is the effect of adding your spouse to your home’s title? You just got married, and you are thinking about adding your new spouse to the title of your home. After all, you have made a commitment to love and support this person for the rest of your life, and sharing your home with […]